lullial colivelitf ilu Quillt. Se t&aturs ot te prograinifor Itle individîtalibelrty is tlx nmoveincti t atin (ifi nitinicil al liberty'-" ru stora t i(i o i for 01 't. '." CONSTITUTION DAY 1huile 11t (tra t 1 11th1a hcg ai 1 148 years aL, \ il i th r it, h1v ;i\ll. . 1L ,w( Iv. 1J tlie Iiit(.<1 s"tatu',. l (<%j u rtIi a( 111(ru j1 r fk'ct illt-l"I'. us>tal)li>%h *j nstîî.e. iwstre 1(loluest ic *tram juîti y:N jîrovide for the colmon d.fei-, 1e ) poiinote thic gu i crai cfarc, amid cilcru ie ié oi il liberty to outr>el\ es ami ) 10d ordain aînd establish this Constitution for, thc UnLited $tatc. t. ~t. Iii". ' .1 jzates to the convention \%vere 1Farl Broý%-xer. sec- retarv of dite Anericai Coiiiipunist party, and w,\illiainîZ. Foster, is'at iat tilriie tii 1932. These gentleen entered \\Iole-hieartedlv ido the discussions, sublnitt ing t heir >tlggestion s for furtheriing the *class war- protnoting strikes *tii< other disturl>ances, takîug oýcr thi, govurn- muent and estabtishing the ittr~iîof t1wi Iproletariat." Thes c ienarc.Ancrîcait citizeils. and il *1, dii- cult for the average person to rate their partiel- pation ini the convention asbnyhigother thiaî treason. 'l'ic question thiat arises is, *\'Ihat is thc .\ntericaji goveriirnent going tci(Io abouit it - 0111y oceCourse is indicated, anîd that .is the<, 1 ia iit a s i iîd Ili (111lc i da wl i ni1îilg, mul\ clotlicd, in the Atlantic oceai, IPO miles otf Capc Cod. Whichle adsb t bu conclusion tliat tl(. purpie bathing ult, 'dt 1 hr %ere mût lt cosî $2W),(») more to iev(l the Bine l.agle <dur- iiig .july, 193,5, when buc wa,; dead, than during *JuIiy, 1 934, lin e was very tnuch alive.Mah ilie Supreie court miade a nistake itikHn h *bird. I le \vas cheaper alive. À\ Iwer haill urn &îx l a tretcI