eAppei sides of s Of Shi ace ie roomi 'es, be- givmng a landscapeci appearance. Ku Dahlias were arranged by colors ju' grouped to confornm to the laws of Fr liarmony, and following the slogan. M "Show by Color." Ground beds of Sh dwarf or single dahlia varieties and M, tables for small vase and basket ar- >a rangements occupied the center of ro the f*1nnr.~ with qo Woods, ail est u'vers> prize ;' illihu iii rs. A. 1 elients. Ntrogen starvation is ag- I sgr'avaterl if the soil beileatlth ic trc '- w. k coveril %with grass, sidewalso oik -the(r pavements becatise they prevent erin: the t.ntrance of thlis element into tlic lo soil or elIC use it til) l>fore it pelic - ui.trates to the tree roots. '4':h Ilieprobteni in fecding trees i: t<, Wý"'provide theun with a plant food which first Swill be balanced with respect to these Onu tree clements, taking ijuto consider- (te ation the ' fact thiat nitrogen is tuec Cuu leiment ineeded jn largest amiotilts. rIa.Also this. planit food iinust be applied Vin a uianrwr ivhidh wili enahie 11wv roots to take it iii)and pass it to Ifut leaves of the trée. J,