The oficers of GIenviewv chapter served as escorts to thecir grand inatron, Nfrs. Amy il. Berry.N 1r s. EvelyiiN eyers i.s matron of. Glen- view chapter. Mirs. F. D)ewey Ander- son 'of 208 Golf terrace. who is solo- ist, greeted the honored guests in * song, which Nvas greatly applaudedj.I -Mrs. Amy Berry appointed Mrs. W\oodhèead lof the Grand Chapter choruis cominittée and Mrs. Orville D. Jones. of. 1615 Forest avenue, XVil- mette, a mnember of the credential conimittee. where thiey \ill serve at the Grand Cliapter session which wilI be lheld at the NIedinahi Mosque Oc- tober 1,' 2, and& 3. made ai ini Ellen Coale, dautghiter'of 'Mr. and Mrs. George Coale .of 322 Keniilwortli ave nue, Kenilworth, whio lias bee,î attending the "joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, wiIl enter Rvcnoeat its openling. Miss Pol11\ Spiegel, datughter of the Modie Speigels of 140 Mreirose avej nue. KeinilNwortth, spent the week-end visiting* lier incle andl fainiiiv ini Charlevoix, Mich. DROS.I