minw.ersitv this: year. Chsrry Jr.,on of ter L. Cherrv of -51, dÏents w hc work on the school. pub- licatioî n .obantraining ini illus- r.adtration and(l cartooiiing miduer thu :, Ie i t graduiate.l f rom La ke F~orest aca d- e MV.11 sster, Isabel, who \wa-ý a st tide i i t Walt college. wX\l fi1i1 lier senior N-car at XýortIi\vcetcrn. __o- M vis Virgiinia Joncs, daugliter of M r.and Nlrs.' Hilton Ira Iones, 15.38 Forest avenue,lft ara. Septenu- lier 7. for Tuicson, Ariz., to enter lier Acdni.s regular artist in>tructors,. ~iieail yoig- people wlîo ;havc a; flair for dfaming pictures ordeiging ci ithes miav enter thu cla>,sCs in cmin- mercial art, (ress(designi. or ilustratOm inI vanous media. Since înany stiu- dents go directl' to the Acadcmv aft.cr gradltating- f roin hligh s.clool thiesu Saturdav morning classe., givc thein a special ea.rly aitt fundation %vhicli se xtreinelyv auale hen thtyv begit serîous irofessional ,tuidy.