Ne -er before at this Iooe, rîce! RYTEX DOUBLE CHECK PRINT0 STATIONEItY 200 SINGLE SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES OR FOR BUSINESS ca. 1 con't sav In the ai ýcause there is nthmtlilg Out it." -he ne nimers numnfer nearly ùi~ hundred and corne froni Chicago, Oak Park, and ail the north - shore subu r-bs frorn Evanston to Lake For-est. Many " -f themi are writers, but there are als(> many artists, inu 1sicians, and wonien ini- terested ini other creativ~e activities, wlu> feel that the group is stimulating t, them. 'Ihey form an appreciative and critical audience for the writers in th(- group. After luncbeon, opportun-ity il, offered for tound-table discussion of particular mantiscripts.for t-ire urlii mateur icIed a I ateilriSI i .wn dow plays,1