ed liy the guil4l to. do lier part in se.curing jani andi jeliy contributions. "Eachi club)," it is annotunceti, "can inakec a ver,, good showing if every nieniber ivill doiîate at least one jar. Jatns and j.ellies provide a reai treat to chikîren andi the aged during the wintcr monthis and we shoulti en- deavor to suppiy our institutions with a generous.ý quantitv. . Fruit andi vegctal)le juices are also mnos-t Nel- cone. '-Vhile an especial appeal is iac for these preserves during the final vveck, the fact thiat floivers arc also nee(led oildot be overlooketi. The donation of amnazing_ quantities of Tis is the third year 'this chapter' bas met, for study andi discussion of. topics of ntutal 'interest. This year the studv wiil bie the (Irapi-a fromn Ibsen on to the present tinie. Tlie officers 'for the season are: M rs. Johin F. W'eedon., presietict MNrs. IHarold R. Sherman,. vice-presi- dlent ; MNiss Louise R. Pottinger. sec- retarv ; Mrs. MNf. Fifer, treasurcr; MNrs. 0. S, Hagerîian, Mrs. George Mf. Christophel. anid Mrs. J. R. Brown, scinuniar conînîittee. A new mnember. Mrý. George Hl. VounLý, 1036 HuIl terrace. Evanston, lbas ioined the ugronn-. .Mrs. Yolung 1, as Major Griffithi zcd as a speaker on George B. Lane, a noted English basso. now with thie Paulist choir, wvas the .soioist. l'le decorations *which prctiorni- nate ini Mexican atrnospliere, werc arrangeti by iMiss Alberta Enigel andi Mrs. T. D. Sliai of Chicago. The 'Women of Rotary club sub- scribes: to niany charitable organiza- tions and hia., many active nmembers on the north shore. to prove excep)tionIallvý nteresting, -I S the collectioil of objets d'art at the Harditng rnuseum ranks anîItlolLrtlhe futinthe country, whethcr puicj or private. The armioir is, espccially fine andi of rare qual.it -v, andi the paintings. tapestries, furu iture, and other items Iii the museu0rn lolti oxi fasciinated miany hours. At the lunchi- conl il, International House a foreign stiudent wvill speak onl the art of lier land, and(lthe wtomen i bc .then, Conclucteti on a tour of insqpectiowi of the building. .\ovembler Nvill 1)ri i Ll ilv .Jones to review i)books <iirinve Book week and ice Rv. John Wi B. ubbard -'s