an(l b .PHIi.itZctiCt Miuss Shiîrlev AmUi *jouisiiwas givvIi an. electric . dock, 'as tokens of the, clubs app-reciatioii' of their efforts iii outside tournaients. \Venesay vas -last chance" day' for thiose who liad tiot received awrsduring the season. Nfrs. IH. Platt of Evanston %von iow netc and Nirs. Fred *j. I3owmiani of Chicago wasý aîvarded the putting prize.- l'lie bridge hostesses Frida oftius wveek \ ,ilbc Mrs. William MNcKec of Glenctie andi Mrs. George Wait of Evaan stonl. N\Ir.,. Hazel K. Manville oifI'a- ton. president oif the Chicago College cluib. and the othier new oficers of flhe club, ivIl be the guests tof honor at a reception Fridjây, Septemiber 20, w.hich '\\-ill 'open the, chib's season. 'l'le lhours of the affair arc froin 3 to S5'lok and the prograni is to be presented by tw.o mnichiers tof the club. *Mary lhodus Triggs w1il iinterpret -Th'le Old Nlai(l," :a play by Zoe Akins, tfroni flhc novel liv Edith \Wharton. Filhel Preston wilIl play several groups oi . piano seleiction s. .M enibers 1-'duc-atio.n. ltvanston, w Iii 1w.enter- Porter at lier boinie "(ý Ca r'y avenue, Raviniia. Tuesday. septenli- ber 24. NI r>. Franîk Oelu.rît i of iles Center is in charge oit tht t.venung -ls ente rtain ile nt. N iss I3erticc Arlîo.7()2 \Valden road, Xiiuutka, li, recentlv hteuclectC(l to >tiie office tof cl'apter president left vacant by Ntrs.- Charles Gore iupon lier noigto St:Loulis from Evanstoin. FIl1e - Heifetz concertconut i 'Il>Ieae<l b.vMrs liarry .\: Kahn a chaîirinan;M .Benjamin 1. NI uïrri,'. vice-chlinan ;M r>. \NIton K Iin. secret î"c, aiid Ni r,. Satmul IL I1 fr- miin, trcaà,urcr andl ticket cliair1nan. .NIrs. IHerman P., beug a,ý1Iuîd b'. snb-chairnien thronghout t lie cit andl Mrs. 'Milton Il. Grauer ti ( ;le- coe i: in charge .of thec nortlvh îr sale. Mrs. H-arrv .j. NIvecrson, presi- dIctt of the Section, is, ailxoOco member of the concert commiittc and is one of those 1nîost axosl striving to make a s1UcCC-s otf tue tuew Chicag-o appearance oif the .wo-(rlç- fanious violiniýt be fore hIlid rtr ,fq r Euirope. e alid