SEPTEMBER ONLYI RYTEX TWEED -WEAVE Park- serit cooperati ýe of the llotit The BOX r3' it w as alnnoUniced to- TUE M %~N Fit(>M VERMONTI n st~ iail b)ook.s are illuistrated >e( B er Dekj ienlSionllt" pictures of Vinicent Starrett in 1bis forcword of inannials exhibited in to this niodcst littie volume of NI r. a deveIoptinent considered Dierkes' pocmns \\rites "it is nily hope ic advancenient o<f visual 1 that inalanymay join vvith tue in salut- * -ing a e poet.' and lie further cails contains several ppîcttres; attention to ail interesting mmid oups scenlic back- ith a highly personal philosopliv. ,d y the '*Orthovis" proc- There are here about thirtv of 'Mr. -es the illustrations stand Dierkes' poeins, sonie better than page and appear to bc iii othiers. most of themn short, but Nvell dis like the groups they ivritten and tipon simple,. evcrvdav ey are viewed through thie subjects. There is omie. for example, an optical de'vice which on the "Barber Shiop," another on ach copy. Tities of the i --N ."Lgtsonte a uts of tuie Amimal King- !Ir-p1 "C11 " "Tght 1Or, the Rin