dis ()04.: i 1 Id 1 g in tlu n regîoîl. the construc Diesel cnglue lplanlt t ;hotld bt (Icdtlcted iroti -11* îron thetrie jv survLey, 110111.velrviun- Orders ExeeuUed ln- * ANK%-UNISTEP STOCKS CRPOATIN-M UNICI PA TAX WARRANTS Enyart, Van Campi & Feil. lac. L, 'pevillage man1agur. stairte<i Uîirec 114wIhuse for SY.)30O. 'l'lie total for WinîttS 2.,1)2, rcîi)orted ilïýv \V..A. W'ol ffbuild ing cnm soe.cnpie '~ wô e~ileices î~vat gaagc4 nd resi- leitial atrains lireIICw homes, foir $1 5.000) are fuunld Ili i te -e (tf A, Iîî atnd twoY for $13.500 àâre listed hy C. j . Hgeoo.buildingcmnîs înrof \\îe~oî.Only. inu wreidn f or ,.12,000 was started in Oak Park, which lio uvr silice Marchlias ,ýlîad an mit- standing record of iiew rt-sidential con- lu the ordur u (,f (of utperitiu s- !$ic.dI iii Atigùtst, F v;iiî,tion ranks *first