Dick Campbell Wc haNc Iwen certified bh< thv iiiak(-rý- iif Ixid# Batterie> a>. qýialified Io render Exide sIzre.start .Servie-dvlo y 1 the wQirld*s largesi rualtîl. facturers of storage Ibatteries for e r% pj>IrpJi. Exide S,,re-Start Serice is flot the ordinar- i" tine, sqiiiri of water battery service. It> piirpo-e, is to pr<tetyou from the expense andmi lulif' . *startingr faihtires* by Iocating the rval e(-a .4t- rundown Ibateries and offerin.- the rèmd *Call' Bramin Bro>. t.>day and Iclet u>.Iemorn-tÎuie- Exide Sq ire.7Smart Service for you. lIfs part. id t-m