report alc -- olr-e-r imortnt -- 1 sI lces ne. was secured to address th<c wiII be transactecj, it is annoutiîced. l>meig Mrs. Robert L. Waters of 424 RETURN FROM WEST Prairie avenue, Wilmette, camne home D Mr. and M~rs. Harry P. Harrison, Friday from the Amnericani hospifalj aniel and joseph, have returned to Chicago, wbere she had utndergoneitheir home in Kenilworth after a an operation September, 10. She is a sunimer spent in. San Diego. Daniel daughter of Mrs. Peter Smiith of 511I bas entered Michigan. State co1legtc Provdentaveue, inneka'at East Lansing. joseph is enrolled Proidntavnu, the Massachusetts Inistitute of ~ Technology at Boston and James bas  ~ C al. Mr. Harrison returned Wednes-