* *1iofrpubic poak1nga $u(tiiYth 111-at (loorc, of thu fHealth departinent. turs n pnl)i-hoie affctin thc datighter Catherine, is teeiandl o tr f citilen., tif lier ~:ilagc~ s~id >r&sden Beeer. rc. o crîng in a Cary. lndiana.lis 's flot a faction.al orgaîîization, aniId ,-,it aiominjrie e aci dinr i, ilot c c iritCd withl1itics. blcaltu nônbîcac(et or national. Its soîr' feit that 1 iii passage for pa-vînent of a tCv ;L n-cd fîtv or soine Cchanneli routine lbil: completeci flit 1i)ilCs tlîrOIIgIIwhich tlîe sentiienIt. of the i( tl ('i1I citizeîîr1- as to anv lroposednineasuire C01u1d1bc ;ascertaînled and given voice. W ma Pdle lss Its vanlt iithins direction lias beecîtn ederU e demon(ilitrated time and again. and h . Baby to Lure Sales 1 cflfd..nl exîp.cted tliat the serv- Moia aterîiooîî police recéived ire it rendi(cr> will be more atn(.miorereott. i awlalwthabv apprreportd ts t a womau s on. aIbaby al))reldtd ~tîne oeson.111 1wbugy ini whichi she vdheeled a sinall of thi,. a extends a imost cordial ii ad)-eioï O, a vifaticu, toial l themen rof td1ý-lli e 1 a Mr. Reiling lias been identified wîth taxkôîlatonfor the ps fifteen N-car. He i: connected with thee 1aý fi of Ki\\Iillerr -Baai: and \Morrl.,. 12; Mad\isîon street. Ci cago. He \\às tornit rlv on the iacultv of l)otih D)ePatil and I.ovola universities, wvherc i-alglht ta\ law 'and l)roce(lnrc. TRIPLE CO LLISION Satntrdav evening as Mrs.. Ma-ry I-aggard. 2439 Birchiwood lane, was driving bier car east on Wilmectteý av'enuie, just cast\of Mtaini street, sl e was struck, by a ca2~trive.n. by J. B.,ý important that people pal, their taxes as proniptly as possible following re- ceipt of their bills. Please Pay Promptly! Lt shouid also be borne in m~ind that the payrment of taxes to the local collector ilslures a more prompt distribution of the money to the vari- ous local taxing bodies. 1Davis Plans to Attend Recreation Convention *Daniel MI. Davis, director of rec- reation ini Wi Imette, is planning tp at- tend sonie of the sessions of the Na-, tional *Recreation associaiomnsn-, 1