"T7he Inter-relatioflshdp of the Fine (Uetdav Tues<lay cieded tht:Jasper 1-7. RoinieI1, Miss Jessie Sent- Arts" as bis part of the prograrn. regular golf days enijoyed by thie ney, Mrs.. Gair Tourtellot, MIrs. G. H. Thesae o tckes s ii hare oiuiiof Sunlset Ridge cverv, week Whaley, and Mrs. E. Willis. Thf MsalK.e . h of tikt i hare h.dtring tliv sinufiier season.. Sevt'ral M enbers asýistinig Mrs. MacRat: and a' conimittee composed of. Miss prizes wraare inlrý; aIîd on the social comniittee are Mrs. Frances Lee, Mrs. Kenneth Kraft. guests.. Henry Paulson, co-chairman; Mirs. Miss Bernadine Lenz, Mrs. J. -r. The winner of the guest prizes were Fr ederick Biffar, Jr., Mrs. Harry W. Booz, .Mrs. Randolph Bohrer, Mr.tefloig is o rs,'is. Bomit, Mrs. George J. Cowan, Mrs. *jack Griffin, Miss June .Wh'IitNorthi, W\VA« Scbneikebier' of Oak< Park, George* H.' Crompton, Mrs. Thomias and Miss 'Margaret Cobb. With 100; third,. Mrs. Grant Ridgway J.' Dee, Mrs. Kenneth W. DeGartno, Mys. \V. Kenneth J ennings is di- of Kenilworth, with 108; first iow Mns. Frederick S. Deibler, Mrs.. recting the tea arrangements, assist- net, Mrs. Charles Hoffiail of Evans- Frank J. 'Huse, Mrs. Harvey A. ed by Mrs. Trauigott Roier 'rs. ton;,ith 73; thirde Mýrs. G. W. Ross, Keep, Mrs, Walter L.' Krouskup, W. . GthàyI~iisRoher Jr., of Evanston, 81; low putts, Mrs. Mrs. J, Frank Mack, Mrs. John S. W. 'ý,Gat aulMs Mac Y oung- M. P. Gaffiney of Winnetka; consola- Strang, Mrs. Bruce W. Thayer, Mrs. berg, and Mrs. Pu Morrison, while tion, Mrs. I. G. Amiundsen of Evans- W. A. Tlhoma, r. E H- -lad the emmittee onusuhers is comnosed. - ' ' .-- 1rnsMr . H. v «esKa- Garden Club, Endis Its Flower $uild Season .Miss Saily Vernon andi Miss Nlabef W-heelock of. the Wilmette Garden club coelected jellies for' Jeliy day, Tuiesday, Septeniber 24, f rom mcmen- bers of-the Wilmette Gardleu club for the Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild, and took themn over 1<> an. early North 'Western train to bc delivered at the North Western <hnot