* . lier entire lifetirne in Galesna 'Ii *cent mionthis she lad been suff %vithi heart trouble. and1 lier d a occurred last Friday ini a sanitai * at Dubuque, Iom-a, whiere she beei for the past nine iuonthis. Korte, until this. year, ihads everv surtiner and every Christi recent yecars at the home of bei in Kenilworth. She is survive( four other sons, Williain of Chi lfeigbts, ani Lerov B., Louis Henry of Galena, and by a daug Mrs. Fratik L. Williais of Dar ton. \Vis. 1per p. .043C square cut ready te use po>ular Iengtlas Bundled :iiW' ' letigtli, per bu] 1'1" 'length, per bU ll" 'length, pier bu [le of 3. Ale of 3. Ale of 3.. )rm di fuel costs combiationt y p e, illustrated hiere, you can interchange to scren door, when the season clianges.,iii just a few Mmnents. 49r M