Among lier 'many andid uost recelit for soane time, are returning on. Oc- "Stadd peet KyFac Fridsmy for Four Duys appearances have heen her programls tober 1. The two girls have been Srrdd"peet ta rni at the Chicago Womans club, the staying with the William Baihatchets, as a social worker who fails in love L0ARK GABLE, Lram club, the \ilmnette, Evalstofl:725* Tentb street, since last Juli wt e rge ra b taefuss ti in Jack ondn'&andHiglandPar________ cubs while Mrs. Liiiin has been residitig i ar ln ,cueei nanit the Oak Crest ini Evaîiýton. ta i ns l er okadisowine stinglyi ciIl of the Wilde' Sirs. E. C. Hawes -of Banigor, -o-ns iilb ho.iiteetnl Maine, who motored back home Theron Gifford, son of M.ýr. and at the \'alencia. with Monday oflIast week with Mrs. James Mrs Roy W. Gifford, 132 Winnetka The story of Struensee (Clive *aYunutJo*I Ockie C. Murray of Kenilworth who was avenue, Kenilwortb, left*Thursday of Brook) whio was taken into the court Plus returning f romn her summer home iIast week for Ann Arbor, where he of Dennaark as dictator ani feil in Septemuber1 Issue*of Lincolnville, Maine, was' a guest Sun- will enter bis junior year at the love with' the bride-queen (Madeleine day of the Charles Wares of 325 University of Michigan. Car ra)i a ovs fla Disttor." E MARCH 0F TIME9p Abbotsford road, Kenilworth. 0tedan,"oe faDcao. _________________ Hunt Badger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hunt Badger of 910 Lake ave- M \r. and Mrs. Charles W. Robb and nnlrs Omu- <(u-"hz%'..', Gilbert Da~vis. (1 ---S *Til. . nu... the I4iver.ittheir.Jaugiter. Nancy, have returned