SKETCH BOX ~. PRINTED $TATIONERY ~ 50 SHEETS 50 ENVELOPES miake it possible to use the steam four bimes before cxhausting it into the aïr. After the multiple-expansion recip- * rocating steam engine, the next step i using steam to drive ships was the steam tur.bine. Mr. Born illustrated the principle of the steam turbine by mneans of the. familiar water wheel. ,T'le latter, carrying a series of blades or paddles, is acted upon by moving water. A turbine aiso has a stries oi paddles or blades but these are acted uponi by a jet of steam i istcaU of wa-, ter. ' ihe high. rate of spee.d at Wh ich present. Changes Are Made in Scoatmaster Personnel The following changes have been made ini Scoutmaster personnel Ii 1Ninnetka anid Glencoe: Charles Clark, formerly of Win- .netka -Troop 16, is now assistant Scoutmaster of Winnetka Troop 15. B'ih Brackett is niow Scoutmiaster of Troop 16. Bill Covitigton, forinrly Scoutmiaster of Troop 18, bas b)ecome 71