eof this If any evidence were required as to the wisdom ales for of the expansion of Wilmetté Sunday Evening ry's bis- club inta New Trier Sunday Evening club, it was been ac- Iliberally provided by the 'spiendid audience that , better assembled to enjôy the opening prograni. The ency and gymnasium, with a seating capacity of 3,500, the begt opened its doors ta. a crowd 'estirnated at 2,500, est price on an evening of incleinent weather when the manufac- natural inclinationd of most people would be ta Lnd there remain, by their own firesides. That 'sa many ,ect can- citizens of New Trier township availed theni- on which selves of 'tbé opportunity, to share in the splendid flt on it.t of the "contr d1 governinet Chicago's city council voted Monday for year- 'round, daylight saving. Oh, well, nuts will be nuts-especially when there is soiùething in it. It's always a pleasure to cônunend a deniocratic office-holder, besides being à novelty. And s0 here's ta. County Clerk Alford of Waukegan, who put a crimp i that tow n's gin marriage miii by laying down- a rule that marriage licenses would be issued anly between 8 a. mi. and 5 p. mi., and up to, noon on Saturdays. None on Sunday or during the night.. And are the police niagistrates and justices of the peace niad!