mate 1thei andf oicCs. in,. Kussiati sacred onging expressed in thei tous accompaniment of nzied dancing in 'their C a progranj t bat, once he iear t-fnl ihear the attle scarrc ..- A A -1 nd whili hmust torever remain a rnemory. norable experience, the Don Cossacks- no one should miss. Arthiur E. Swaiison of 1i',vanston is resi- >ea-son, with a program consisting, of I.lazounow's "Carnaval" overture, Tschaikowsky's Sympliony No. 5; Dlonanyi's. Minute symphonies, and Grieg's Suite "Sigurd Jorsalfar." An 4nnouncument ini Thùrsday'evening's s'ym- phony program book says that an extra perform- ance of Stockcs concert version of "Tristan and lsolode" will be given Monday evening, Novem- ber 25. It was previously scheduled for Novemnber 21-22 and 26 only, but the dcmand for tickets bas ýs as in the reFCuli gaged are Laùritz "Tristan"; Dorotli iMeisie as Brangac ki as Isc Patton a nhose great- Kath- teurs in the best sense .of the Word.-For years fhey have been kiving finished 'concerts for the pleasure of the work, regularly having appear- ances in Orchestra hall, Chicago, and elsewhere. The organization bas the cooperation of New Trier High school, whose pupils will be given spe- cial admission privileges. The tickets to the public wvill shortly be put on sale and will be very inex- pensive. The program and soloist will he an- 110un1ced later. Stock's Waltz to Be Played on Recordings *songs, ai wbistliwi 1 1