'l'lie fa tler, NIr. Iligals is force'd O3 rracftce Tit1 rr iJ (1)v two un scrupu lotis polbticialis) to M\embers of the New Trier High resigiu fron lits position as cit'. as- scho debate squad have been di- Instal1ed on your oïl burner. the Jonco ge sessor. -Thie chil6ren are told of~ this videc into teanis an~d wilI engage. in pilot will m ore thanpay for itsetf in auing] by ' fheir grandm-other and a suirpris- a eisof p actice matches among eoyadtwilista inig change cornes over thein. 111>01. thiemselves before the start Of the burner. asyrc the olilest son offers his fatlherý Big Twelve Debating IèWage seasol3nfveit ~tat r mone 211l otpnles , hico1ig! It j41s'nl a~ fe cet a iothtoY8 The first ofV th prctc mace s hsplt a eine o u onpr g randiiioth er to go iint<>p*he4 er son and a negative team led 1yfcoyta w aedcdd oofri Nvitl a. frlLnd of the fanuhl \oc 1 uie Va eret ees~ ~Our nleighbors and1 friends here on the. Nori Derby, anid to appoint, their father be first speaker on bis teamn and Shore. to look after lier itnterests. j iss Von Hlenert will be thtrd An eleetric valve is plaeed on the pilot Iii Use Two Casts speaker on h.er team, Allen Ba<crach and is opened autornatically by your presel Dolp Scarf aî,d jin' Lighitbod williancF Clifford Gooidman will be fitst plav 'Mr. IngaIs' part. J-lis wif e, and second speakers rcspectively onro brusa~bt ht f sao st Eunice Ingals, wiil be 'Dorotliv Boet- the negative teatu, and4 Bud Living oit is ignited. Thé. large gas flame is ther * tiger anid P~aisley yRkel.Jack sti n icadLbanscn n fore on ornty a few . se onds severat times Byrutu and George I)içkersoii will third speakers respectivdly on, the day, instead of burn iig continu*ously twent appear as Nýeel 2ebv« Atiotiier afinatve em fuh rshnctegeasvi. Stillinaii. Gilmianl Paynter and Asb- er, and M\arjorie Wood, third speaker and demonstration. *ton Taylor, Jack . Frceenan and and leader. Jeanne Eiseman is an George ClayboùIgh, Harriet More- alternate on the negative team. C. Herbert Jones, 1514 Forest Avenue bouse and June Barrie will be cast Aniother .practice match is sched- *Wilnmette, 111. respectively as Hugh, Bradley and uled for next Monday. Frank Ran-'iloIrJne,13Foetvne Lois. Inogene Kaulfman and Rae dali, Jack Coleman and Sidney Craig, itoIrJne,13FrstA nu Merrifield promise to give good per- speaking ini the order nanied, w11! Wilmette, lit. ro a