and gardens in thie country. mcine nee- *ing opens at 7:30 o'clock under the direction oW Frank i\,cClure, president of the club, which succeeds the 20-year-old Wi-niette Sunday Evening club. The New Trier higli school audi- torium will be usedi for the Çadman progranm. Subscribers to the lecture ;s niac tiQU is1 Prece ter Heý the Wil mette Baptist The proposed construction' with e Rev. David Kabele of PWA funds of a $60,000 pedestrian Lutheran church will be underpass in Kenilworth was handed l es iriciteiofthe a setback by a recent ruling of lie -ïl prtciat i t1 ieUnited Sae'Comptroller General i.g wil be receiveci which J. S. McCarl thiat federal funds can- :fl to the Wilmette Wel- flot be released for projects of this ion1 srvie ffes a oD_ character unless they, are state proj- ýipted by gr received,a *oWi1 iuni ude for the bîf prompted also urge to recogn 1 and ago ar the C is ab-