man onthe street. He told me so For years Dr. WiIlett has been ac- many things in fact that I realized tive in the Federal Council of auy idea of combining an interview Churches and is at present chairnian with~ lttie hitoryof he Bbleof the Mid-West section. would result in more of a task than Itrse i e ol 1 was equal to. He is very mucli interested at the Abo.ut Bible and Naume.s Mo ent ina new publication, to be Dr. Willett **iigyrspn dt known as -Christendom, a quarterly ail sorts of qeogns.y 1espnd ed t review, to be in the religions field, how we shifted froni the Bible to what the Yale Review, for example, nmres,, but shift we diii. He tohd is, in the literary. It is publisbed by me more about the origin of English Willett, Clark and company. The family names than 1 had ever heand name Willett, lby the way, in Chiris- befoe. nd le pnctued he basttian Century and publishing circles beofe Aicns epntrdte os may inean father or one of the three ofAei swho say they cari trace sons. Robert Willett is business their ancestry back to William themnge fte aazeaiPu