innesçota. ýe Xid- ieans of Notre Dame. A DuvalI Effective Afurther aid~ to the Xildcat at- tack bas been the improved pluniging. of Hugli Duval. veteran i fnlback. His consistent hiaffmering at the Notre Damne 'unie Saturday paveci the wvay to both of Ncrtiwesterni'. touch- N EVER befoire has it been so easy to eoythe greatest Lcomfort any miod- ern home can have...automatic heat. And that memus OIL HEAT, for ini Chicago and vicinity OIL is the. most .onomical and depewuIable fuel for cotupletely auto- matic heat. Ne cash I.wu-.3 Yes ite. y The Federal Housing Administration modernization plan, applyinà to al mod- érn oïl burners, makes inistallation tis faIl an easy i*nprovement that any home. owner cati mford. You cm haBve any unake of burner installed (in your present fur-