15 .J* U WSIVU SU SWU assistingj I1stesse. Lwojpart. .AS IÇin te rs nir sne wVAii sevdb ~k Bishop Frank È. Wilson of Eau The chapter will flot meet in De- give -,sekc4ions- fror her. new opera, ýon was ClarerWs.,wa te teken ges cember. The Tenth anniversary tea in the second she will present di- Arrs E.O neroas of Mr.an Mrs. Burt A. Crowe, 234 will be given january 13, at the home eifdshrskte. iirs~. E ch. Andern Raleigh road, Kenilworth. Bishop of Mrs. C. A. Keitb. 310 Warwick airmn. Ech mmberrnedfromthe rQad, Kenilworth, in honor of Mrs.. day. fails in,' November Wilson bas just returndfo Israel- C. Cope, the organizing and at the guest table and National Conference of BishoPs of honçrary regent of the Skokie Valley ' ~ I 0 i- *States, at Houston, Texas. During ~.~apel ldth d-the war Bishop Wilson was the rec- Show to Be ini Kenilworth ,ding the One Hundred tor of St. Augustine's church in. The Woman's auxiliary of the fth psalr ndmithe four- Wl1ete .. eve oeresoso k Progrri C N.S.Church of the Holy Coniforter in r of "John." Mrs. Paul chaplain. He preached froni bis oid rm Kenilworth is bavirig a dessert bridge played "The Engulfed pulpit at St. Augustine's last Sunday. and style show Wednesday, Novem- by Debussy, and two He frequently cornes to Chicago to CWII0% mga Luncheoh ber 20, at 1 o'clock, at the Kenilworth des.conuctservcesat he noriday The North Shore Chi Omega club. Tickets are available at Miss- nent wasmade of a rui- Lnenmeings down town.. Alumnae kuncheon is to be beld at Janet Childs' shop inl The Cbinineys