firce of charge. 1 asexiteu mat mÂiss rieleii The Deerfield club arranged the would be there to tell the mi ieetizig Monday of this week, wben of ber recent trip east. The Mrs. Robert jobunson spoke on "~Nat- at Vassar House last Christni chez," showiiig. cards and photo- W SQ successful, the club1 graphs of the lovely homes and gar- that the possibility of havii dens, describing such show places as other affair to raise money1 Arlington, MeIrose, Hope Farms, scholarship this year was to Richmond, Devereaux, and Long: cussed Wednesday. wood. A pilgrimage to Natchez has Officers of the Chicago Vass become an 'event, according ta Mrs. for this year are Mrs. Andrev John son. In 1936 the dates are ta be Leish of Glencoe, presideni March 29 ta April 5. Gordon1 McKeldin, vice-pre Mrs. jolinson showed an unusual. Mrs. Miles Warner, secretai