anaU ne ~isin ostn LA.JIIbaILUI4U. LAUU 4L U .jIu vveaUIIVbUy CvtI1'in, S Llopd Douglas is weIl known here November 20, after wbich he will lec- and abroad as the author of three ture on "~The Role of Confljct." The national best seller novels in recent ouly other progranm schedtuled by the years and as one of the nlost popular club for next week is a social 'meeting, preachers ini the country. a bridge luncheon Saturday, Novem- In brief the thetue of his latest ber 23. Luncheon .will be served at 1 book, a philosophical and psycholog- o'clock, with play' beginning at 2:30. ical question of personal adequacy, A short lecture on bridge will precede or the practical ternis upon wbich a the game. stabilized life may be buiît, is the sub- ject of hi. talk. It is bis belief that most people are spiritually 'wistful and 4 writes and talks for just such NorIhridge Notes ir ~iBurpee is general he. event, and Mrs. -chairman, Mrs. R. P. knw The Nortidge Woi ýnwentertaining- the North