tures befall Pinocchio,, for lie is a Lunch.on Meetng fr Chcago Mateflflty center Tuesday Hiave M.mnbership Ti . very bad littie puppet, and hie doesM .fn 1r afternoon, November 19,.* at' 2:30 ----everything t-bat be oughtn't to do. Lk A N v.o'clock. The assisting. hostesses are The board of directors of the North an i s nl hrug hekides fOTefa umnaeo v. 0 be Mrs. John Trusseil, Mrs. Clay-. Shore auxiliary of the Chicag&l the Biue Fairy that he is finely re- The Evanston Aluninae of K<appa ton Sauer, Mrs. L. E. Walker, Mrs. Matérnity center and the member- deemed. There are many, mafly amus- Alpha Theta, which includes the Purcell Smith, Mrs. Clifford Ensing- ship committee, of which Mrs. Leon- ing episodes in the play. For instance north shore, is haviag a luncheoni er, and Mrs. Jac-k Griffen. ard J. Paidar of Kenilwort.h is chair- -there - is the time when Pinocchio'-and regular meeting Wednesda- Dr. George ~ Allison, pastor of man, have issued 'invitations to 'the tells lies, and each time he tells aný- November 20, at 1 o'clock, at the the Wilmette. 'Eaptist churcli, wilIfilrst of a series of teas for guests other lie bis nose grws longer. He lies home of Mrs. E. Parker Miller, 1740 speak on "Vachel Lindsey: His Life and new members. Mrs. R. Lee anid lies, and bis nose grows a~nd grows, Wesley avenue, Evanston. and Works"' by Edgar Lee Mastetrs. Megowen of Kenilwortb, a member until finally bis nose is so long that if Mrs. Miller je. chairman of the Dr. Alison is a graduate of Brown of the auxiliary, is opesiing her home lie bent over it wôuld reach the floor. hostess committee, inembers of which university and a post graduate of at 197 Oxford. road, for this f estive Then in another scene he is swal- ar r.Gog mtMs o-Columbia and is a well known student 'occasion on November 15, at 3 Iowed by a wbale, and crawls around ma1;RhMs.E .MLub of literature. o'clock. Dr. Beatrice .Tucker, med- ini the whale's stôinach, trying to get lin. R.Jepbl, Mrs. F.MLahn There will also be a fifteen minute ical advisor at the Chicago center, out.Inside this whale he meets bis .pt, ý Xgre W M" talk by Mrs.. William Beirnfohr, will spealc on the progress. of- the