(lencoe' 3014 Central iH j1ig6zfji AS FR OU U5 krIZN fj K.UIKi.J3V41V11 1ii zcrituI$4Uartists who want to work m-ore. From ______________modern -4~>or antique, and other lilu wini modem.2Sit) Highest n'arket price for paper, maga. 7:30 until 9:30 they ràeturn to thefr i iold articles. ýzns ae l rn ca éa HOME ILOANS !Wili als:' accept your furniture oit t )i is rgol Oi. mtl art, and brook no interruption. BorSON UpNOR6 T SHOuE. HOMES - CROST WURNITURE STORE Wllmette 349. 132L'rN28-Itp Some of the .sketchers-tbe class is lent monthly repayment plan over 5 to1.1046 Est.. Uuh sto ni. 0 open to ail, for one evening or for yeara,. Full détails by luqulry at Firet i3lT43tf unk eaer-G.olduman the term-are experts, experts in Federal Saving and Loan Association oiCCTME ýýHIHS RCE ADFOWANraig xers i orriue Wllmette. Mfr. Clitton, Secretary. 1113; RSWN LÂT-SILVJE~RGETPIE A O L irwn, eprs liprriue Central Avenue, Wilmnette 863. ware, hall 'riItfers, gateleg table, 6 kinda et junk and QId olothes. Phone Others are beginners. Ail enjoy it. 12A-TNZ-fcft. showcasé, % bed, earrings, drèssers, Wilimt-xxe 5426, Winnetça 3720. The 'begimners see, in the work about _ 71tSAE-OUEH LTN22@pS chests, opera glasses. dinner set, swords, 132LTN27-4tp them, the craft that they lack, and FOR CE 0F A ISEL MJGO - Buckley Resale, Wiiniette 1174. OL by imitation, precept and criticismn, CHNC Ou ue F AnLturE. uae gad Ivy E 13LT28-lt beIn Ood O SEthey pick up more and more tecb- w Bu fnefuniur. nae radMus, e ng dcond, and. reasonable.niu.Adhexersbyopa- pianp, fine cond. (Cost $2,250), tuned B YA D S L Call Wlnnetka 2989 evenings. nqe'Adteeprs ycmai for a niusician $375; very fine E.verett, FURflIVURE, RUG8, MENS ANI) 132LTN28-lte son, become more and more expert. uprighit $50; beaut. grandfathers eock women's clothlng, shoos, etc. Ph. UniIî______________-- Those who have no other opportuni-. 1(cost $190) for $85; hand carved Chip- 0103. 13LN8.t GEOGRAPHICAL GLOBE, C E D jty to practice the art they enjoy find