Laughlin, Mrs. RKolandCi ooper, anad Mrs. G. M. Synder. In presenting Mr.' Heaps the sor- ority has chosen a young muscian who has won marked popularity through radio progranms and recitals at A Century of Progress, where lie played for many weeks at the con- sole of the organ on the Swift bridge. Heaiso appeared at the Philadeiphia Sesqui-Centennial exposition, win- ning a first place, when just 20 years old, ini competition with young or- ganists. from ail parts of the country. .ieroine Dudley. French to Have Program of Recordings board es of to Sew paiy rJr., Imc., otf Evanstoii, dis- ýrs for Generil Electric coin- Name Dates for N. S. Fortnighty's Dances 1)uring the coming season the North Shore Fortnightly is giving a sviies of dances at Shaw.nee Country club.' The evenings of Saturday, Novemiber 23, Diecember 14, January 18, February 8, and February 29, are