i this 858. WILL PRESENT COMEDY Gertrude Tonkonlogy's three -act 'omedy, "Three Corriered Mooni," viii be presented at the Lovola Com- '1t stars next TJ Saturday iii Bette Faxon, "The P r i ii c e s s Gwenda," lias had parts iii the jioi4r and Senior ciass piays, and in the presentation of "Cyrano de Berge- rac." Madeliine Clark, who piays 'Mahina, nursýe to the Pri ncess' Gwenda, lhas had experience- in the Freshnian and Sophomore plays. Shie lias also stu- died with thelBIetti, Brown Drarnatic school. Dorothy Bottinger hias appeared in twNo plays given by the Threshold Players of Glencoe, and with, the New Trier Drzam2 club.