roaci, Sride as is n plus the acme of comfort. ýe beauty in which they may just pride." te Car Wil permitting tlie for passeng ers given those in Solid steel "turret top" body by Fisher, providing protecting walls of steel 'above, below and on every sie. Safety glass standard equipmeîit throughout in ail models. 1Center control steering, giving an ease of handling impossible under 'ny other steering system. zvlik Brotho*rs A re A uthori ;» UarL-iw ness on the north years. Two bro George Pavlik, are business. Nlnety percent automotive work autornotive repair at 554 G ~reen, iBay [ave been in busi- ishore for twelve thers, Roy and associated in the of the' concern 's is done through shops,. since no solicited from in- lot the fh shore.1 feet of aru cars. "We have served Packard cars in onée levan expla ins, "flotF require more servic !)Ut because of the Packards in use in1 is a Packard in ev( have a area. third