-Soul and Body" wvas. the subject * of the lesson-sernion In ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, No- vcinbcr 24. The golden text was, "The Lord is good unto themn that Nvait for hin, to the sou! that seeketh him" (Lam- entations 3:25). Among the citations which coin- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing irom the Bible: "Hear, 0 Is- rael: The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shaît love the Lord thy God with ail thine heart, and with ail thy soul. and with ail thy right", STANOLEX >FUl ENJOY UNIFOIRM QUALITY AND 1 JL-ing càre-nree, umanterr' from your oi urnuer are1 3 ini secur- matic heat y, the uni- e fuel ail tank with