scholarship tund mai1flai11VUd y ternç ne m Robert Eider is chairman of the scholarship com- Included in the current anrnual exhibition ofthtel mittee which is also composed of Mrs. Fred C. Chicago Society. of Artists, installed ini the sec- Windoes, Miss Ruth Neal, and Mrs. G. D. Stone. ond galleries of Michigan Square building, W4 The ushers at the concert will be girls f rom the North. Michigan avenue, is the work of six north actie capte ofAlpa Ch Omgashore artists. George Ltzsk of Wilmette, is exhib- McDermid of Glencoe, Dorothy Bar orothSa iting two oiIs, "Maysville, Ke.ntucky" and "*River." Ornorf MaionUnnweh~ JarrwsSa"Y Five Evanston artists are showing their work. Ornorf, Mrio UnewerEleanor Jane Mil- Eleanor B. Flatch displays "Street Scene at war May Rnsm, nd ela Rmmel.TaXco, Mexico";- Kari Gasslander exhibits The program which Mr. }Ieaps will present f ol- Trpc and "Wisconsin. Farmn"; Jeanne Grover Iows: has 'Drouth" and "Stili, Lif e"; Clara MacGowan's Concert Overture in C minor............... Hollns four pieces' include two oils, "Rapids, Glacier March Slav........................ Tschaikowsky Park" and "Siderea4 Rhythms," a water. color, The Swan ..*............. . ..Saint-aens "Sunset, Grand Canyon," and a print, "Mo'onlit Caprce-he BookDetherCornfield, Mexico." Peter-Paul Ott, scuIptor, bas ~To'catfl and Fugue ini D niinor ...... J. S. Bach two studies,' "Black Torso" and "Defejidet." Riit Iaiti.eWltz ..............trauss Thenrié innrsnf this., show were: Gold