Horne otfEvanston -wore rose and silver lanéî; Missý Katherine Buche of Richmond, Ind., was ini citron yel- low and silver; 'Miss Miriam O'Con- neli of Chicago wore ice green and silver; and the bride's sister-in-law,. Mrs. Frank R. Morrison (Katherine Kelley of Wilmette) wore ice blue and silver. Mrs. Morrison's gown was. of white crepe trimmiied with rhine- Stones. The crenonvtnisk I-lace i the m at ! -~14- 'J L. v-.- -ç ILL . .. :30 o'clock with the he Rev. Sidney J. Mor- informai event, wvi1l take place under auspices of th.e philanthropy depart- ment of the Woman'ls Catholic Club of Wilmiette at the Country Club of Evanston Friday,. January. 3, f roin 9 o'clock until 1. The- ent ire proceeds of theaffair, of which NIrs. WV.iH. Wolff of 1345 Elmwood avenue, XVTil- mette, is chairnian, will go' to charity. Music for dancing will b.e playe<l by a well known eleven piece orchestra. act as hiostesses F. Cumniiskey,1 in Downey, CI son omfcatnng. Miss Kirwani wil be attcnded hy Miss jalie Becker, sister of the groom, as naid of honor. Clarke Kirwan, brother of Miss- Kirwan, wiIl attend M.\r. Becker. ,Thle bride and groom will leave after- the réception for, a short trip and on their return wil nuake their home ini Rock- ford, Ill, wwhere M.\r. Becker is associated with the Rockford Fibre Container com- pany, He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick George 'Becker of Indian HEli estates. at a b ridge tea andd hnen shower at 'Mrs. Boylston',s honme ini Wilmnette. 'Miss Kirwan's auint, NMrs. I-Iarry XV. Bettiiigh-laus of Wilmnette, was hlos-t- esses .at a (limner for the innniiediate fanilv X\\'edines<laN- evenimg List Committee Chairmen for Smth Club Benefit -'The commiittee chairnien - for. the Evainstoii-Sortl. Shore SmiitlWsclî' annual schiolarslip benefit are an- tiouncedl this week. -Mrs. James T. Nicholson. of Evanston is general ~1~1kchairmani of the proiect. whicli is the