annual program givei ers and other nieniber Howard lParenit-Teac by the ptîpils. Thosc licard the musical gr( let this opportuilitys one whio lias lieard ti orchestra or glee clui urging to hear theni most satisfying expe Book An DCCCI 110: It is a for any partici- l'lie final boo0k review of this series1 by Mrs. Carl jolinsen will be,1 given Moiidav. I)cceimbe)r 1, at Howard nîi:ers.ary The sli byv the Vawter, F. M. Vi nxue, Eva tenlded Vawteri The only place on the North Shore of iets kind for family gatherings. Entertainment every night by Arthur Koch, QtI AiU' Both iwestern, iîig her M. C., and Bavarian.