lie pay-s up some crooks ini three davs. Mr. Gowe bas to tbinl< as fast as a StUdenit cramming for examnations -an~d has ta act niuch faster. Pinkv T( ' lnDcôrot1l1* Page, Charles Grape- vvin. Louise lenri and a sniall dog iianied "Vlaijrger" have a lot to do wvith the 'proceedings. Next Thursday, Fridav and Satur- day. thé Wihnette presents one o£~ Claudette Colbert's finest, pictures, ~She Marrieci He r Boss." A song-w~riting d, isLeonard Keler orchestra nightlN roomn of the Bismi additioni provides1 groiid for tbree sented during the Is in the Air" is tliq song iwhich. bias 1I W arner Brofl MEETS COMPOSERS In the floor Jane Froman, radio songbird m-ho rently plays niakes her screen debut in "Stars (lancers johui Over Broadway," has,, *e - 1 4033 how wl r are