ry JoC SkelIy Skel1y. hea<lof the igos cepartinent ot . Marty Bridges Named on ation .and director Al.Star Football Team )I School of t1 c Marty Bridges, Newv Trier Higli mniner at Be 11111g- sc1iool graduate now attendiîg iLaw- riAoth lI)easscia-rence colle>ge at Apîpleton, \Vis., lias ýs* thlticas ""';- cen namned as leit tackle on teal b1v to behed l star football second teain chosen bv day.aitrnoo o~the Foxc River VaIley college coaches* ~enungon chô ~and sports reporters. As Bridges is. rnlsiderecd the inôst only a sophornore, lie is expected toý . Sfortle ii-s ei advance to the first teani with an- e Satesf roin an ot her year's competition. His record -)ilt. wvas praised by coaches and %vriters J TADM L ini tlic L1 tiona~l stai . .............. 1