make your own .Chiristmas Cards 4 the d an . We, 'troops ot the couincil. Each tender- w, 1oot coufts 100 points. cach second Class 'Scout 200 points. ecdifirst cla.,, 30 oins.The total nuniber ()of points divided by. the total nuin- r- br ofScouts enroiled in the troop Ties the totsale adaedoreach score. Te soicets frct of tefreadiTheru- U inoe the flisorh e nadvancc'- Id m nent and new Scout' rating. The "Big Ten» includes the following t in this vicinity: Kenilwortlî Troop 13. Robert Towiilev, scoutrnaster: j Wilniette Troop 1, Arthur Pearson: Gleiîcoe Tronn 22. Jon ,i rich : Iil-