5/ FREE Florîda vacationists lias ebbed and lo\%eC iiIn(direct relation to the pros- * wit tatus of tie country lu geln- e ra . Ainçuiça'. is headed f or the 1 niost tirivli i g conditions silice 1929 on the basis of vacationists already Florida- lounld. Anticipating the -Ireatest acti.vity since FMorida boom days, Florida resorts have inade prepara- tions to Nwe1coine and house increased numllbers of fugitives f roui winter's icv clutches. Passenger officiais of the* Dixie Route, the Iîistoric scenic route to Florida, cniphasize thiat faster sched- Three 1Weeks Only Jntroductor~y Off er To prove the elfectiveness