scLiic ~i< A4atriIy. 1He is injoring ih Greek, and is aiso a membei' of Phi Gamma Delta. He is a graduate of New Trier' High school. Chairmon of Sale of \Vlmnette, wvhose marniage to Mar- den Stokelev Pierson of Madison, \Vis., \vI11 take place ijjý. January. Tuesday evening at. 7, Miss Mary *Forrest of Xinnetka and Nliss* Eliza- bethi Jenkins were hostesses 'at a hosierv andd handlkerchief shower at *Miss Jeiikiis4 home in W\ilmnette. To, nuglht <Iliursdla-). Mliss Eleanor Idier of WVilmnette is. giving a baýthlrooni accessorv shower and bridge at lier 'home, and Sundav morning 'at Il. :30 o-'clock, Mliss Page NviI1 be guest of honor at a b~reakfast and miscellane- ous shower given lby Mrs. H.oward Packard. ÇJosephiiie Farley) in her The next part\ of great illtercst is the children's -partv to be held in the Nursery school Fridav, Decenher 20, at 10 O'clock in the -morning. At:- thattimie ail the little children of the Nursery schoo1 and. thei1r sisters and brothers are presented with lovelv gift.s. Each child receives a suitable toy,. plus warm woos, scarfs. a n ( l c a p s . osI m i t t e Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose \Vechselber.. ger of Evanston are presenting thec Nursery, schOol with a lovely big doll carniage and a nice red auto for the cbjidren tO Play with after. school. The National College of Education at Evanston will make its aiinual dona- f n - -C&- -* 1 Il, ; the rs. j. C. M rs. U., Casor ~tfr