esaanies .Chris ey, E. F. Iblazin1g C. S. Inirin 'W. F.prograt is carols and music gs in the home 0 ýin Eivanston is a ,f, charm that lias1 oni for the North circle. r. j. r%za, and Miss it 15 nopeci represe.nted. they wiII weII ikeeper4" 1> arond ,ngontitei i ni ianston ar J 330 mUI4zulIUarticles published. Si arouns. Friday, December 20. 1 h )'e the club's guest at luncheoc i.yearîy The junior members of the sociey otilgheectue becone ie be honor guest.s. Ait business is 'l'le GîCecu i, s iîwiting al 1Shore to e, disbanded and. the afterrioon ber, of the College clnb to jc given over to entertaiient and te- the singing of the delightfu! ceiving Christmas gifts for the Hind- hita i;ll Up wIl iaii Sttlnien scoolin he en- hrtma hyus.and to enjc, ILI P W i l m a S e tl e e n t s c h ol n t e . e n - p r e s e n t a t io n - o f a s p e c ia l C h r i - et at .3 tucky mounitains. Prograni arralnged for 6) O'clocl< ng. The The prograin wilI include Thelma -lay eVenling. December 2r- As ay, De- Olimstead, an Evanston soprano; who Silpier wviIl fojlowv the muria le WeI- will sing several Christmas songs:.. ship of Marjorie Post, alqo of Evanston, who red W. wili tell a Christmas story, and songs and by by a sextet of Kentucky society jun - ek i. Vally o, W110 lot menibers tralined hy Fay Palme, SK0K1 eIyD A. R. y John Kreer. joi in ul old oy the istmna s special e. 1 and ,will he on