past 'miatron, a holiday air. lag.'" A. H. Clenien Mms G"eorge the Bible" wa as Nvill have pirit of the oc vers. es were Mrs. led arc: Mrs. freshients. Vof tbe cbap- Mrs. Willia, 'on; Mrs. AI- homîe chairma ciate matron;drns atvf plans for fainilies, in day Wks Us meniners flot to torget. ,the Several, departmeaits combine in to l)re.senitiig the day's- program. The re. fir~t of the morning session is de- voted tn ..... A ff. nIl - 2 child and( es a chil- UP to thle ithe cbild ain >SI C. J. Zipp iged to hav IInaerintg.hderi )rney, and the 'village, lcb.*v4r. mer-3 led report of be shown iii Mrs. August Cole, and Miss apson,'o