this couple Contacts were inade a.nd introductiolisiv ilîta meni of busi- ness, whîch i ld ta secunrng a more coxùfortable place in %which ta live, and dle% lop)ed a inew position for *Mr. A., who, xvttbin. 60 davs, earined' vnougl i n commissions to provide the modest fainily budget foi- the 'en- tire y'ear. Today the family lias takcn a ntw lcase on life. l 'lie \Vilnette Xelfare board is onie of the niiine agencies of the romi- niuniity Chest. The story told is omil) one of the 153 faiffies in Wilnett e that look ta the Welf arc board * for life. It is lard to believe that \Vil-