pire. Critics nrmly agree this picture I-er Boss," Miss Colbert enacts uiia uthi sory of th e mpicatioa ns »» 's Worth white seeing-and tbley award Scott, the perfect secretary, wbo bas hstoy ftecmpiaone- the acting honors to Preston Foster ber difficulties living up to the stand- suing wben an ocean liner manicurist Who gives a iid portrayal of the ards of the perfect wife as they are marikisoader to rman lthis ouh- blacksniitb who sets up .gold as bis set by her boss-husband, Richard. trickrino open 8,remaiayinthiflcoun try. ,otî:3open ni.Sloat2p ni. god after losing his wife and son be- Little Edith Fellows-a grand actress ____1:30_p._m._>_Show____2_p._m. cause of poverty. -loesn't make life any casier for Doows open Week Imye at, Laurel and Hardy combine their Claudette. 6:30________p___m.__ Show at 7zp. m. comedy talents in "Bonnie Scotland' The Valencia wilI spice Saturday Sat. o oena 123o* to give the entire familya treat Fri- with the funi of "The Bisliop,-Mis- ho tat a day and Saturday of next week he behaves." Edniund Gwenn plays theTuiiy e.1 two go to Scotland and find themselves twinkling-eyed enthusiastic Englis êT UUXI@ enlisted in he Scottish arniy, eftroute bisbôp who longs to* be a detective. IIU to India to join the Bengal Lancers. Maureen O'Sulliva#i am nd Nomn rIPn.