toiir n Country club bas heen engaged iitent for both parties. The cbildren'sHrbt htgViipstrf for a dance the evening of january 2 annual Christmas T-ee party wili bctHerbertb Shongre Bapst brhof the t b TT ivenby the foi1owing New held Saturday afternoon, Decem~berthR ortSrTe arrlt u winh ~ ~ Bedin.-Roert28 ~a 230o'clock It wil be in, chargefloeb eeptin tSlokie day o we nBrow, .Robert 'Wagnier of Mrs,,WII)iani Z. TIuckfr of f - DICowed y aub.i a ,eartr RoBead. aiis Bah netia and4 Mr*. 1R. 11. McElroy. jr* Miss Dorothy Reynoldsof Winnet- thu Benad ~r1on, John Elden of Fvanston and their eommittee. yawl eMs ota' ii fhn il & oonley, K nneth Russel Co'k il cMisDsa1 ad fhn lic SyeyGoron Ca$g ~Wiliamê Mo- or, and> the brideimai& are to bc Miss snDid Hoftui flubet I oward, 'A grou~p of fur Geiicoe g¶ils e to William C.White of Keilvoti Jr jr, a~wtt Lame Jo nés, Edward Ely give a party at Skkide Counitry club wifl setre ls brother as besi nman. the Mac, John McCoirneil, James Creigli- iFriday evenitig, January 3. The'host-i *bile the u~eswl b 4wr are ton Mitchell,-Walter NielsonuiJr.. John esses are joan Hyatt, Virginia Snitli, Kostbade of. Columbus, Ohio, former- ~a-Magaw Records, Thomas Atkitnsirn1 Nancy $wvan, and Nancy Ward. iy of Chicago, Frank Morr of -Du- JÉ' buque, Iowa, William E. Racine of ,nald Niles Center, and the btide's two Guincis e pm lue ~ robr~Charles 1L. and X>hilander 'istinThe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Dostal, wil1 give tbe bridai lgett dinner at their home en January 3. Trhe spinster dinner will bc held by will give bis bachelor ~party at the Chicago Athletic club on Thursday, ,iven, Miss Dostal's calendar wiIl be filled Swith parties up to the date of ber Bu- marriage, and the first of these next liani.week will be a buffet supper onSun- Joan Cotter of Evanston will liave a 'hetlismall luncheon this Saturday ini bon- arne.or of Miss Dostal and also another Kop- bride-to-be, Miss jean McDonnell of ýoro-Evanston. Miss Dorotby' Reynolds laidewill bave a buffet supper on Decem- jane ber 27, and Miss Doris Tansili wiU be 1ethbostess at a kitchen shower Decenuber 28. The bridegroorns parents, Mr. and Van Mrs. Howard Judson White, are giv- iug a buffet supper Decernber 29, A, ail