Evanston. j'ne, lIiuIIi iutJIIcnniJU iannea IJiVU 1> ÂorLInwesterI1 Univerity wi The service was perfornied. entirely ~Strafeebr2.Ap~ address the first session on ",Thie the altzmni wiII have a basketball gaine by caiidleight, with lighted tapers wta rpoftseowteding London Naval Con ference and atteed f h es iht~ ~ ~Country Day, at Il o'clock, and lunch- the Problefiisof the Far East." candelabra at the, chanctl steps, and 'te on wil1 be -sèrv*d at I ;30, after which M. Cokegreve feels, that the,,Jap- innuiuelable candles on~ the aLltar, wth P)r. Kari Taylor- Comipton, président anèsestand on naval paujitr wlll ial vass o witcchysathlrnmsart ~of Massachusetts Institute of Tech- probabilty. endanger the success of roses. nojt*y. wil. I , tuie eonf.teece from the.trt. Iwv stin andI lace fasoed the aidLarerof inntk, sd 1tt. Ms srrIIford, road, Keùilwôrth, entertained at Frederick L. Schumati, assistant Miss Virginia Miller and Mrs. Don- Iiait>,iione hsýek a tea last S a nhonor of Mr. piofeusôr of political1 science . at the ald Cartr ofWinetka andMrs. Mis Baroll s te datghter of Mr. and Mrgs Edwardl C. Geither-cf iCenil- University of Chicago, will speak en Joas H.of Clesand r *Stafordes an<d Mn. IHenry ndw"rd Parreil of worth, who are leaving soon for Janury 19, on "Democracy -ýersus Roison fThicager o wred thie hbrides-o. .Cal!nia to-reutain duting the rest IDicitîrship." n1is hywr gwe lk nof the winter. Thé eleventh school of Foreign Af- old rose moiré witli halos of braided ff ilcoelbad u o rose. moiré and 'brown net. They r t- f"irsaUtycls anadscssono ried tear0*es. The. matron of honor, ."etirlty n the Private Investor," Et'edrkk rl~ g f , - y lugen. iL. Staley, assistant profes- , f a% rooa~ iê4 ~of econonics at the Universit. c style,, fashîoned of blue moire, wi s Aelà S IM11r., suiïd kITSn J'y Ce ïê wal are -11J---.1 26.t ..J... a halo of brown ad blue. 'Her g""iving a dinner-dance attheir home, Anry 26.tcatedac a h flowers were talismnan roses. The Mr. and Mrs. Henry Edward Bar- 39 Indian Hill road, Fricday evening, School is-anticipated, and plans have bride's ten-year-old sister, Marcia, roll (Pr. Ida Laird Barroll) of Win- December 27, for about1 forty or ffty been made to follow each session with the junior maid of honor, was in arietka annoufice the engagement of young friends of their daughter, a n~mîbfe upr rvdn dress similar in fashion and color to their daughter, Adelia Rollinson Bar- Peggy, who is to return Saturday anfora ben fediscuion o e ate that of the uatron of honor. Sh e roll, to Sarell Wood Beal, Jr., son of night, from Chatham hall, Virginia. fenoopendicuss onFoetce S ape-* wore a small halo of the moiré and lins. Sareli Wood l3eal of Evanston. onadesMr.FrncS.Cp ca'idtlsa oe.Miss Barroll attended Vassar, andi n is in charge of the hostesses for caledtalsma roes.Mr. Beal wss 'gradttated from Wil- the suppers, and Mrs. Carl H. Mlam. Mrs. WlimS odug ohrlasclee hr ewsamm chairman of tue School of Foreign Wille bide aSn rblacknuoerlncoleg, heehewa 1mmbrSmithf Alamnu..Affairs, will appoint leaders of the 0f te brde, as i blak vevetof Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He later - -