:ains of Kentucky bsmapatfogrw-s of the afternoon, -ACrsmspryfrgontp ieis disba nded. is to take place at the club the fol- sslowilig day. A hioliday lunicheoni is d,. an ntn to be served at 1 o'clock, with pro- Christmnas selec- gressive bridge beginiiniig at 2:15. tof the sanie clty, First of the Christmas activities at story, and a sexc- the college club is the glee Club society meinbers, candlelight, supper musicale, to be ierKrer o ~Vn-given at 6 o'clock Suniday evening, Deceniber 22, when singing of Christ- afternoon will be: mas carols will be followed by a spe- Mrs. David Buf- cial Christmas program arranged by ýles, A. Colniesnil, the> glee Club. - %'f- TT tions. w e are reluctant to see it leave for service as a hird feeding station after January first, when it is decked with net bags of suet. and popcorn. To prolong its life indoors, it may bc placed ini a pan of water, containing a littie sugar, after' makirig a new base. by cutting off about haif an inch and exposing fresh celis in the main branch. "Wherever possible, purchasers of trees are aslced to select t1hose. bear- ing the red tag of the United States Forest Service. The tag states 'This tree brings a Christmas message frotn the great outd-oors. Its cutting was leavirig L ýrning. flot later