ýere were three s above 600. -ea in ik..........5vinterest iii es1-. - - 1t.h.. Radia- , -%N'"nstck Au . .. .L ..... 545Because of' the great nestite Hieh single gaie,, indivldual-Wal- two previons shows, those in. charge il series tber._.. :..... ..... ......230 are confident ail attendance records, ville of, Seeond hlgh game, individua-Ba.qs- wl htee.I 94 600pr es. nd lr ......217sons viewed the numerous commer- a nd, NnATIONAL TZA LJAGUE cial. educational and scientific. dis- rnd n (WilI,,ette Bouiling Alleyvs), plays. 1.ast year more than 25,000 vis- *respec- itors were recorded. T.uesday. night 'Behoff's team ni- In addition to the more than 600 i game creased its Iead' by winning three menibers of the Chicago club, Ro- ii Bles- more games f rom its nearest rival, tarians f rom Evaniston, Wilmette, igler of Heppler's. The contest was flot even Winnetka, Glencoe, North Chicago, Sch'itz, close, a. difference of 365 pins for the Waukegan and other northeril local- te Auto three games. ities are expected to cooperate to iemn of It was a much closer fight between make the exhibition a rousing site- Devine Beecher's and Swoda's teams. Al- cess, A ,JIiM1N though the former won. ail thrcee Wb h i I' as s of1 ears, ii d he i tor a Woek 1