For Prompt DeIivery Service Col iUmI.55 r51 Sale01ol Famous i' COLL EGE INN FOOIDS- These, fâmuanua.oode are prepared entier te personal spr vision of 'pierre, famnouas chef of the College Inn, C'o*ago. A & P delinitely proves ohey have the valises in offei iig ithese fine soups, dinner, etc., ai sueh deeideelly low prites. Stop at Volar A& Pmoransd, ly inu>» supply during tlhls ~ COLLEGE INN RICE DINNERJ, SOUPS. 0oPl SPAGHETTI 2 CHECK e These A dded VALUES at. the New, Ae&P oSTORE 410 Groom ly Rad, KAENlLWOfRTH KEN-L-BISKIT-1 IULK DOG F00D 3 '~.25c S10 Ibo. 79c *The »slêtre CcileenBrot, C:knN jodle, ýVegeit-a bd, Çrcéan of ftléah. un,, sud are pi rked in a. 14%j-oz. eau. The-Rc Dinneï and* the Spaghetti with bMias arr paeked in a 154-o..eatu. ?LLEGE INN m 'a la qNU ki.RC0 -King. 1IO'/z.OZ. * e e e CAN. >odles 1-OZ. iodles *JAR * 4 13lh-oz. CANS 32c. Hi LLS BROS. COP27c 25c Edi» I..graauled pre ceue mog .. *. spdhyIO I A&PFO0D STORE Phne: KeuiIwortih5462 FEBRUARY 6, .1936 11fr Wilmeffe 535.8 or 5410