hour, the car left the pavemùent .andj----- - - turned turtle, corning to a stop againsti ter, Betty, and Peggy Tudor, the a telephone pole, wheels ini air. 'flic daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. body of the car was badly damnaged. Tudor, 164 Oxford road, Kenilworth. aII'thu!timu/ \\' ednestay,, ?ebruary 19. the local Among, the dcays we remembered. coixncil meinhers. the nlew director. the most was the Christmas party ive troop and pack leaders. anid their gav-e to Troop Il of Chicago, when ,ve ccmmittees are to be the guests ot im-ited Mrs. Osbo.ri and our troop the \\oman's club for the dav. Mrs. comniittee mothers. Our leaders pre- George A. Morrison.. forme r com- sided over the tables. WVe bad .a lovely missioner of the iuke c1ýw1cil timie together with songs, gaines and and a member of the national ýcounicil.> agralb-Iag. will. address the WoianVs club meet- We. also ýrccalled the excitilig and ing on the subject. "Girl 'S1coutiig." jolly. davs cf, the overnight hikes at Miss Florence Nlarcell,%Nill-tàke reser- Camp.Co)x in early summer and that vation.s hefore Sàturdaly niooni. of the twelve lucky adventurers. h werit to Denoyer lodge in. November. TRAINING. COUR~SE TheéPa1hfinders are, Iooking, forward MNfrs. Frank Dowvd and M rs. Earl to havi g their tripini the.sprmng. Lyon announce. the general. trainin Ource urt of honor planned a. sleighi coure fr lades fo si Modavride fo )us, which:we, had to postpole' evenings at 7 :30 o'clock at the Bap- ni ewahrwudpri.Ms tist church. 'Miss Florence 'facel Mersbac.h, surprisedus by: briflging locl ireto. wllbe iichage 1 dcightful refreshments to our mieet- oue interested in becomiug acqIuainted ing. .Mrs'. MeIrsbiach is a'troop con-' with Scout work rnavniake applica-1 tions to the director forreservations. It wouId really require a miovie camera to record aIl the iutercsting 1 1 EPREENT.LEADRS 1thîngs we have doule in thiepast. It RERSNNEDR vould N,ý -how 'First ,Aiders.,".busy Mrs. H. G. V'an Winkle and M\rz:!. ignialers,, others wo'-king on badges, Alfred Heerens were elected b\- the, deciding .ho' to introduce or 'bat 1,eaeers' association tc) represent thenm trees have opposite budding. One 'pic- o-n thé local counicil. 'Uap' Gather-, ture would show investiture of -Teti- coa! instructed the leaders. in rope dlerfoot Scouts," pa trol leaders, and work. knots and wýea.%iu.g at the, last troop officers, Joan Benner. our neèW meeting.treasurer, and Peggy Magie. our scribe; ýalso. atiother of.sevenl:teen of COUNCIL MÉETS FEB. 18 Our Scouts helpin g to serve ;at the The local council. rs raN. eu-IBrownie dinner. omls, commissioner. xviii mieet at th e Otie Scout meeting has> been omfit- Scout. officeat the Baptist church. ted this year because of suh)-zero Tucsday morning, Fehruars;.18, at 110 wahr but ini spite of tliecold an(, o'clock. ~difficulties, 'rroop 2 is trindt reach its goal.-Peggy Magie. scribe nowv $duln On spectal low ternis Dr. Beatrice Hawý%kiui iu',tructingL the first aid group' at hier ofice Sat- urday mnornings at 10 o'clock. PRESS CLUB The Press club, composed o'f troop scribes and girls Aorliing'for Journal- ismi badges, will.meet Saturdax-, Feh- ruary 15., at 10 oclock ait thc Scout office. TROOP ITEMS] TROOP 6 Troop 6, Shirley Spangler. scribe, reports uork on second class re(luWr-- mnents and the visit of MIiss Flor(iicc Marceil to the troop. TROOP 3 Our Troop 3 on Januarv 9 wke liard. on signaling, seconldý class, ten- derfoot, knots anid nature-study-and niiuch .vas accomplishIed. At the.nmeet.- ing of Jai tary 19 we welcýcomned on-r new director, Miss Florence Mrei ,who taugbt us somne new songs. Our troop tea for our niothers wvas held jqnuiary 30 ini sDite of cold iveatber, PUB] 1141 Central Avenue Mr. and Mrs. Myron H. WVest, Jr., who have made tbei r home with Mr. and Mrs. Myron West, Sr., 916 Greenleaf avenue, since their mar- riage, have taken an apartment in Chicago,and are ilow living at' 773à Eastlake 'terrace in Rogers Park. *Mrs. Franik Hines, who bas been living in Chicago for the past six months, and ber two small children are leaving February 18, to spend the remainder of the winter in Palm B3each. 'They 'wiIl return in April to-'tbeir new homne in* Wilme tte.