Illinois News Index

Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Feb 1936, p. 20

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conventiton bas resided inthe otl II.spOt1Tl«T'- .9Q1912,L' LnYflIvavt a'umite Congresiona distrct sice ý is revoit agajnIst the, raaihýn- "m Cnesinidsrc ic o ing irnof lb. itepuoliean fl-ul "'--or Com'mitteman from Richmond, Indiana,,in 1906.-fotl tiein and In tni- otgniari' Pr-.,9rv 5- the first t-en years In the Sheridan 'F ive party. Activoly aided the ele.-ilit Endorsement of Hlenrv Fowler of Park2ndEdgeate disric-s c t-. -of Clharles M. 7irn a.a; th ý, Progres- WiImett-e for Township Committee- Park and th ward drit of thecg ad odve Cringre-ssm;an froîn tiie 1(th District. mani for the Town of New Trier t-o ol,5hWr fCiaoadfr SucceeddA res MMrele1as thbe pa*t t-went-y years'in the family I member cf the ti7ck ounty CÉntra! .1e voted -on at thbe next- Primary resdece t 19 ixh sret, il <ommitt&et of thb' Progr'ive party from election, April 14, 1936, has been met-te. th- 25th Ward -eIeet-ex ir - a .c-r,- given ibv the Wiirniette West Side "* ~ ,tesgt againsqti Htnry M:. Walk4r. t-be ~Qt [ d to( any presidentiai candidate spcýn-so'rsd by Har-je L.'k-kes Rpbia organizatioin. Th en candidate,. in his public utterances and, Senator MH comk dorb-ereiit' reads: hehas stated that he belie ei fi em'ber of, the Farmony iQlflYflintt-ee WHEREAS our n elghbor and friend dt. a .lèaet b gie yîw0lcb brough-t about the. arnalgarre- Il-lnry. owler as consented tg and haný dut a a elgae to e uidd y ion of the Co'-< Ccny Prcogrefssive liecome. a candidate at the coming April th eil- fth reienil rrnrdrganization with the rez'uIi:r P.ptzbliean Primnary election:forthe office of Town. in. bis district and state,. and to carry OLnztln hi*Cmitea fteRpbia out, t-o the Ii it- the mandatées of' the 1916. r.-moiv'd t-) WIr1ettc - 1919, Party for, the Township of New Trier in elràft,-d and -td tc) thé E.ard cf the Copunty of Cook, and St-at-e of Illinois, zepgublican-. voter$ of bis district. 'AI- T.ruitefes C<J Wiltnptte. and though. lie supp>ort-ed Herbert M. î98 Floehts -Maehine' Poliles WHEREAS, he has been a resident of Hooverfor Pesiden- in 932, le drated byt-bt ew Trie Cltimen's this cornmunity formn eas i ociveriforltt-sie in the932,rieint agalnst the w nw. of hie fitness for office, and very. i (-elttsta M.Hoe ;alpln-Crowe-Hoffman rifle of the Cook WH4EREAS, Henry Fowler le a man of flrm bld gin evest-atm r. HooerEâ ad 4.Zu oi a Conty Republican organieat-on and, by the highest integrity, nd for yar. pa t sholdflt-agin t mnaedorMoffett Phit. hav-Ing bis name wrltten upon t-he bal-, has shown by hiB acte au unselfisgh de- put-forwrelas acanddat forthat- ________________- ktp., electeA by 2 th 1 a niembher of t-he votion t i dte-s iien of this ofc.he said, "Thtaict- of cont-rol takes - C-ounty Central conaMitte. from.t-be 2{kh q -,itnmunity' and has, given largely of hie PicpIIs.Dteuie propert-y away from ont individual district -cf New Trier towQnshin. time and, energy t-o t-ht many civie Zimm erman belieVes t-bat ýPresident- and best-ows il upon another wthu- Led thé fight In the County' ronven- move-eret8 for the betterment of t.his Roosvei and Prôesso Tuwelldueprocss f ~tion to 4eet delegates te t-be tat. c(-ommunit-y, and Roosve 4flt adetrzis4th.Î.Tese btti4ig th ddue-cu- i-s o a%. -.te, nvention, in accordance with t-he st-a- MHEREAS, he bas been an outhtanid- hav dtinielydetrmied he rin Thse tin th clar-ut ssustte. EIeted ehfairrmafi ofthbe aucus, ing loyal workeçr for -t-he Republicaan cipal issue t-o bt decided by t-be Zirnmerman believes that- not since r'f country' town corumittêermen, and Part-y and its principles, and has evýery pepeof t-bt Unit-ed St-at-es in t-be the davs of t-be Constitutionai Con- d!sl'gate to St-at-e convention; There <iuaification in thbe hlghest- degree for. people eeted to represent- th-! T4nt-li distriet the office of Township Committeemnan of 1936 élection, and t-bat-t-bat- issue is vention of 1787 bas it--been of greater r, i he crede-ntials comnmit-tte. Led tnce the Reptîblican part-y, now therefore be wbether or not tht people now want- importance that t-ht people - be fight fo)r recognitilon of the lawfufl it resolved, t-hat we do hiereby endorse t-o abandon t-ht principies of govern- aroused t-o taking active part in t-htei'<-td de-legates from tht Co7ok Courtýtv- HWnry, Fo.wler for t-be-office of Town- men- st- orth i t-t Cnsttuton ffars f gvermtn- s of-endi- .-'untry towny. Carrled th- hairrman*s ship Comiitteeman 'of t-be Republicart mentsetforh i th Costittio i ffars f gvernentso fte di- (verse dýc1sio)n of t-het -e vote t-o the party of the Township of New Trier, and t-be Bill of Rigbt-s found in the missed as being unwort-hy of notice filror of t-ht co-nve-ntion. i CooPfk eounty, Ilinoisaddoheb first Ten Amendments thereof, which as having t-o do only with "poitics:' Attve in tht 7ý udiciali "onvention Pledget to huii our Whole-hearted suppo~rt declare -qnst ma'-hîne select-Ion rof jixdges c f fo)r that o-ffipe at t-be April Prtmary. dlret-bat- ne person shall be de-- Detegate la Voice of Voter thf- Cira-uit an-d Superior courts. Sucees- <ltin prived of life, liberty or property, Ht points out t-bat- oniy through 'ziv-ly eiec-ted - comnitt-emai cf Re - The endorsement- bears -e i- witbout- due process.of law, and fur- election of t-wo delegates and t-w f,îh1liean Part-y from hie home precinct. t urso Jsp H lizen. Jr. t-erdela. -t igt- o bre ui, 1tera elgaest- -h Ntin i Cic eArtivlties: Chairman and :-xem-n- trso oeh .Hizn therdécaretherigts f hoe riealtrnae dlegaes o te Ntioal ,h-r of varicum eommlttéeq of t-he Cilý'cagr, president, and John J. Pet-ers..sec- the' rigbt- of states and t-he people Party Convention wiIi t-ht moret than -Par association. Chairmran of th-ecom- j retary and treasr othogaia thereof t-o retain ail powers of self 'ont hundred thousand Reptiblican mltteeof Mfenbers of thbe Arnerican Btar tio sr' fthtogaia goVernMent not- specifically granted voters of the Tent-h district have, a associat ion t-o bring about coneolIdlation________ t-o the United St-at-es, and also to' voice in securing -ta to f(pf it-s offices and ceate t-hem i Chi- CLUB BOWLERS CL.ASH g the doptio (31-ago. Chairman 'cf Membersýhip C cmp'.t-- abandon éi Constit-utional dernoc- progressive, const-ruct-ive pianks itee of Arrcan Bar association. Two teams fromtbte Shawne racy in favor of a burcaucrat-ic dicta- t-be part-y piatform, deciaring our br for se-veral oer f Publie onr club torihip of "master minds"' in i ash- fcalty t-o our Constitution and t-he Affars <'mmittt cfUniCnuntry Icbcla Executi,,e commit-tee of Chicago Chvic wti vntnCutycu ngoform of Government- created by it, -'onferen(-ï- membe-r, diret-or and for-, aggregat-ions Sat-urday evening, Feb-- Q1ýmte. TggwoU tatemeiîtt but- at the same time jst- as cert-ainiy mer oiereiet f ChIcago Crime 1 ruar-v 15. at- Evanst-on_ ..Ret-urn' Mr.Zimneniài ali ateniontodecarig or heappicaio qfit rcmmi.gsJiri; n; m er of Civir Affa'irs m1iatches wili epae t hwt Mr.Zimerna clisattet-î~ -odecarngfort-t pplcaio ofit commtte if (Chicago Asso>ciation ofebruarv 2.,Shwne.. t-he following recorded public st-at-e-1 principles. and tb laws consistent commerce. ___________22._ mient-s of Professor Tugweli t-bat-! wit-h it, evenly.and equaliy t-ail for For twent-y earsý active in wokn - *NOIaR.Wlim "We haveaCentury and more of it-be protection of thbe weak andt-eoad nprtsnelcinotudc1 developrnent t-o undo," t-bat- "t-be first I andidate-s, acting as chairman and seni o chnge wll avet-odopoor against- any actual or t-breat-ened1 member c aiu commit-tees o f t-ho -Nort-h Shore Agent svtrist-at-ut-ges wit-b hav tutosad tyranny of t-be strong and weathy, Rar and other civic organizations. Wide:' State Farm Mutual Auto Ina. Co. Wt ttts thcntttosadfor a flnri purpose t-o use every m'eans ].y experienced as a speaker on 3ubjérts Hv etl o o hacniuu oiypa inteent- ' ' cutq inurnce cot 'about 40% . Legal R esrve. th aig ogohrrrne u .it ll reqion. tobueasnd hç esureyfa balanced îs* jreiegal: Employed In ele-Rated A-Plus by -Bestq. caî.t.c~ar1 tl~ lain~9f4puh, nboy and onbudet ancl t-br e~sr~sf'good tricaI conîstruction -'derntal and 4 Cac-t-td ep-anttjn sndari eiclçe. M'any a #eýred ,precedent-, tâotbtless' housekeeping and to' retst-ablisb re- 1 -ounting-ýrnoney departmentof . mer-i tto n evc.Tl in. cltling on an enlarged and nat-ona-' spe ct for common bonest-y and t-le jIcan Express company, Amerlean -Steel.246--Hxghiand Parkc 1478-Deerfielj 250. ized police power for enforcemeat-. sancté- o rmsebthlulc and dWIre conpany, George A. Fuller We sallals hav togiv upa' dis-, private,' so as t-o rebuild prosperity 'departmrent cf London GuaraWt-.oand ticin fgea oseunet-hrough mtualni dnea ' - Accident company. Ent-,red priv.tie law ecetoônscba mit-foa4liiit-at ractice 1910. Wldely experience4 as noiatyquit-e absu*-4, betw-een seto uhaf;mfudto'ta trial îs-wyer andi busiess conulant. privat-e and public or quasi public it canuiot again lie undermined 'by, .<eber cf- the firm. of Zane, Mors~e, P I espploym.ents. There is no private thé termites of discontent, and tt-he Zirn rnan and Normant, Etarris Trust- bimines--" -"~The.- next, se ries o f- adv-o±ateý of slavery of unproven buildingChicago. changes will have to do with la4istry PEuropean so ca1Ied "planned eçon- it-elf. XIt as aIteady béen suegested i~"---and - lso .a voic* »t dc Young Ment'sClub Ba4c1* st0atrnforà mpasis#t; it is itrl4 epwer of le4ders'ip to lea t e The -Tentii District Yi-ng --,[n fe ou dnc eat O - -. indutris iG80v. country i- the - îg1t toeg in a b$ fcmot-indforsedothe cnnt as carrofEd-K HfA connia t evryothr opean sktc ofMr Ziwemans istry at-rrepo Zmrt-o lsai f ilttons y 1HL1IAiI er men . nd Gw.II-eis indutrycvie af sateadsina.ndpn fesorTugehI hs ami-td,"ret-mou, ndanin185 outedfopuri selae o -theveing n atirn- Prb3 t rc o t-rol ned -e Federal cf Chicao thd reciltdre AstaieKf lcnenian ti conro of aIl busin skel5rth of Mr. h Tber pf Col5ordy oett nErp i- -ta-- Mo»ringua resides iic ubbard oos;t-ne cu' vc at young popleint-bis aouterce cantroind -y st-o whicb îo>Ch iao.rîe Wiler E. Asickrqn o ôft a-dugM n nrae n

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